Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Senior Final

In 600-750 words answer the following questions in an essay format (NO LISTS):

What advice would you give to creative writing students who are taking the class next year?

Which blog post was your favorite and why?

What was the ONE most valuable thing you learned from this class?

Grading standard:
Content: 80%
Length requirement: 20%

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Epilogue - May 6

As we wrap up our month of Personal Portfolio Writing reflect on the writing that you have done. What have you learned about yourself? What are some things in your life that you wish to improve on? How has this assignment helped with your own writing? How has it helped you to discover yourself. If you could describe yourself in 3 words after reading this blog what would they be? In 400 words or more tell me what you have gained from this experience (not only with this assignment but let's include all of Creative Writing this semester). (I have gained nothing is not an acceptable response.) Dig deep inside yourself and your writing and tell the world what you really want them to know about you.

Check out mine at: http://laneseslagle.blogspot.com/2013/05/epilogue-may-6.html

A Fine Line - May 3

For this very quick writing assignment you will make to lists:

     ONE: the best things about yourself
    TWO: the worst things about yourself or your greatest faults

Here is the catch your good and bad side must be EQUAL in length and you must list at least 10 things in each list.

Check out my list: http://laneseslagle.blogspot.com/2013/05/a-fine-line-may-3.html

Valuable Lessons - May 2

Mistakes in life are inevitable. Everyone makes them and the most important thing is that you learn from those mistakes. Think about all the lessons that you have learned over your (very short) lifetime. They could be lessons you learned because you made a mistake or got into trouble. Maybe they were lessons taught to you by your parents, teachers, or friends. Make a list of the ten most valuable lessons you’ve every learned. Write a sentence explaining each why each lesson was valuable to you. Consider things like learning to multiply, but also think about more abstract lessons of wisdom and experience that you have learned over the years.

Here is my list of lessons, maybe they will help you think of your own:  http://laneseslagle.blogspot.com/2013/05/valuable-lessons-may-2.html

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Creating a List and Checking it Twice - April 24

A list can be made up of many things such as a Honey-Do list, list of favorite movies, list of vacation spots, etc. Today you will be making your very own lists of some more personal topics to add to your Personal Writing Portfolio. Below you will find the topics for your lists. You must list from six to ten specific items under each category.  Signify the topic of you list by either bolding or underlining the topic.

1.     People who have influenced me
2.     Places that make me happy
3.     Places I would like to go
4.     Things in people that I like
5.     Things in people that I dislike
6.     Things that worry me
7.     Things I would like to know how to do
8.     Things that have moved me
9.     Ideas that intrigue me
10.  My personal favorites

Check my lists out at laneseslagle.blogspot.com

Monday, April 22, 2013

Never Say Good-Bye - April 22

Some good-byes are tougher than others but there comes a time in all relationships that we must say a permanent good-bye. The person may be leaving your life because you don’t get along or you have to part ways to better yourself or maybe they are going to be in a better place where sadness and good-byes can no longer be a part of their hurt. Any reason for saying good-bye does not make it any easier to say that good-bye though so today you will be telling the story of the hardest good-bye you ever had to say. Be specific and describe in detail your feelings and emotions as you had to say good-bye to this person. Why was it hard to say good-bye? How did you say good-bye? What were the reasons for saying good-bye? How did you, or are you, moving past this good-bye? (500 words)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Gone but Never Forgotten - April 19

Today you are a high school student just living the life but in twenty years where will you be and most importantly what are some things that you have done today, pieces of who you are today, things that you enjoy and value today, or ways in which you fill your time that you will want to remember twenty years from now? Imagine what will be important to your memory of yourself down the road. How do you want to remember yourself? Make a list of all the things you want to remember about yourself twenty years from now. List needs to be TWENTY ITEMS & COMPLETE SENTENCES!